Student University Systems Access - A Checklist
Need to get access to BlueLink, Desire2Learn, Wireless Internet, Printing or OCU Email?
As a student, accessing university systems is an essential part of your academic journey. From registering for classes to submitting assignments, you need to have access to these systems to ensure a smooth and successful academic experience. However, with so many different systems and platforms to navigate, it can be overwhelming to keep track of everything. That's why we've put together a checklist to help you ensure that you have access to all the university systems you need.
Students: Please answer the following before coming in-person to the Help Desk:
If you did not get an email to your personal email address on file with the Registrar regarding your account setup information, please go confirm that admissions has the correct email on file. Admissions can then resend the email after updating your information.
Here's something to help you make sure you can access everything you need.
Work through the following list in order.
***If currently off -campus please skip to Step 3***
Step 1: Can you get onto OCUSecure Wi-Fi with your mobile device on campus?
On your device, connect to OCUSecure. You will need to know your username and password.
This access is to your OCU Network Account used to access Wi-Fi, printing, Mac Lab in Norick, etc.
Step 2: Can you sign into Web Print on Campus?
***If currently off -campus Start Here***
Step 3: Can you log into your Email Account?
Requires multi-factor authentication.
NOTE: Please make sure to setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with devices or phone numbers accessible in the United States.
If you need to reset your email password, go to under Microsoft 365 Password Self-Service.
Step 4: Can you log in to Blue Link?
BlueLink is our portal where you can access billing, grades, and other student-related information.
Browse to use your full email address and email password to log in.
Step 5: Can you log in to D2L?
This is our Learning Management system for online course work but may also be used by professors to post assignments or deliver quizzes.
Browse to use your full email address and email password to log in.
Step 6: Can you log in to our Support Portal?
This is where you can create a help ticket to resolve a technical issue you are experiencing. You can also correspond with a technician regarding your issue.
Browse to use your email username and password to log in.
If you have trouble with any step, please use these resources.
Submit a support ticket by going to
Come see us at the Help Desk: Campus Technology Services, McDaniel University Center Room 136 - lower level
By following this checklist, you can ensure that you have access to all the university systems you need to succeed academically. Remember to check these systems regularly to stay up-to-date on important information and deadlines. Good luck with your studies!
Updated: 08/2024