Teams: Synching a Teams file folder with the OneDrive App
While you can easily access and manipulate files and folders within the Teams app, you may desire to work with these through your computer's file explorer as if these files were local to your computer. This is easily accomplished by using the OneDrive App to sync the Teams files and folders with your computer. Here are the steps to accomplish this.
- Open the Teams app and select the team where the files and folders are located.
- Within the team, choose the channel which holds the files and click the Files tab within that channel.
- If you only wish to sync a specific folder and its subfolders, navigate to that folder. If you wish to sync all files and folders in this channel, skip this step.
- One the menu bar, choose Sync to allow this folder and all its subfolders to be synched by the OneDrive App on your computer.
- Allow time for all the files and folders to be synched.
Once synched, you can use the file explorer app on your computer to manipulate files and folders within your Teams site. For example, assume you belonged to a team called "Test Team" and you have synched all files in the "General" channel. You can access those files through Windows file explorer by locating the synched folders in the navigation pane. It would look like the following:
Any files or folders you update, add or delete within these folders will be synched with your Teams storage.